These settings configure SEAiq Pilot for use with AD Navigation Portable Piloting Units. See below for more information on using SEAiq with AD Navigation products.
Below are WiFi configuration settings for AD Navigation products. Presets for configuring these devices are provided in Settings / NMEA & AIS / Standard Devices.
The AD Navigation ADQ-2 is supported by SEAiq. This support includes the following:
SEAiq Settings (WiFi):
To use the ADQ-2 heartbeat alarm, turn on Settings / AD Navigation / Device Alarm. Note that turning on the alarm may improve battery life since the ADQ-2 can power-off Bluetooth when WiFi is used. Disabling the device alarm requires that you turn the unit off and then on again.
The ADX DUO, ADX XR, ADX XR Lite PPUs are supported by SEAiq. This support includes the following:
SEAiq Settings (WiFi):
Note that the ADX DUO does not have an integrated device alarm like the ADQ-2.
Please see AD Navigation ADX DUO Alarms below.
The ADX XR, XR2, XR Lite, and DUO are not connected directly to the AIS pilot plug but certain models may still receive AIS data.
Vessel Select is used to associate Own-Ship with an AIS target, which allows vessel name, size, and other information to be determined. Vessel Select is also used to suppress display of the AIS target corresponding to Own-Ship (see Suppress Selected Vessel).
Three methods are available for selecting a vessel:
Similarly, you can also make this selection by graphicly selecting a target on the Navigate tab or by finding the vessel you want on the AIS tab:
Vessel Auto-Select is used to automatically prompt you when aboard a vessel. A vessel is selected by comparing your position and course with AIS targets in your area (see documentation for Vessel Auto-Select for more information about the criteria used to choose the most likely AIS target).
If vessel is not selected for some reason, use one of the other methods to manually select your vessel.
Depending on how the pods of an ADX XR, XR2 XR Lite, and DUO are oriented, you may need to adjust the heading received from the device. This is done by adjusting Settings / Own-Ship / Heading Offset, which is added to the value received from the PPU. You should first set the basic orientation and then fine-tune as needed.
AD Navigation PPUs (Only SEAiq Pilot) : Configure WiFi for use with all recent AD Navigation devices. All recent AD Navigation devices use the same WiFi configuration. Supported device include ADQ-2, ADX DUO, ADX XR, and ADX XR Lite. These all use host and port 8023. The ADX XR2 has a different setting.
Some older devices may have custom settings; please contact your documentation or AD Navigation for your configuration details.
ADQ-2 Alarms (Only SEAiq Pilot) : This is used to enable a device alarm on certain NMEA devices.
Currently, this is only supported on the AD Navigation ADQ-2. After approximately 15 seconds of inactivity, the device's alarm fires. After turning this setting off, the ADQ-2 alarm needs to be reset by turning the unit off and then on again.
Vessel Auto-Select (Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, the user is prompted to select a vessel when nearby. The user is prompted when the following conditions are met: the target is not a pilot boat, port tender, tug boat, or recreational vessel, you are most 0.25NM from vessel, your device's course is within 2kn of vessel's course (measured by comparing course vectors). You can be asked to select a target at most once every 5 minutes.
If you already have a target selected, you must be at least 2NM away from the current target before another target is suggested.
The ADX XR2 has the following alarms. For the most up-to-date information on AD Navigation alarms, please refer to their documentation:
Name | Condition | Timeout | Recommended Action |
LOW CHARGE | Battery charge 5% or lower on at least one pod. | 10 | Charge system |
GYRO TEMP LOW | Internal MEMS temperature below 0-degree Celsius or colder than lowest temperature used for factory calibration. | 10 | Wait, this condition is normally temporary after startup of a cold system. |
GYRO TEMP HIGH | Internal MEMS temperature more than 60-degree Celsius. | 10 | Take measurements to reduce temperature. Avoid pod charging in the sun. |
HEADING POS | Heading position not calculated or unknow. | 10 | Consider relocating the system. A clear sky view is desired. |
HEADING | No heading available. | 0 | Consider relocating the system. A clear sky view is desired. |
HEADING COM | Communication from heading pod to MPU pod is lost. | 10 | Confirm heading pod is switched on. Consider moving the heading pod closer to the MPU pod. |
POS | No main position calculation available from the position pod. | 10 | Consider relocating the system. A clear sky view is desired. |
POS FIX | No RTK fix for the position pod. | 10 | Consider relocating the system. A clear sky view is desired. Make sure RTK data is sent to the MPU pod. |
POS COM | Communication from position pod lost | 10 | Confirm position pod is switched on. Consider moving the position pod closer to the MPU |
POS RTK | No RTK data available for the position pod. | 10 | Make sure RTK data is sent to the MPU. Consider moving the position pod closer to the MPU. |
ROT | No Rate of Turn available. | 0 | Make sure the system is not overheated. If cooled to below freezing temperatures, wait 5 minutes with the system switched on. |
BASELINE | No baseline available. | 2 | Consider moving heading and position pod closer to each other. Consider relocating the system. A clear sky view is desired. |
BASELINE INSTABLE | Baseline between heading and position pod fluctuates more than 2 cm | 5 | Consider moving heading and position pod closer to each other. Consider relocating te system. A clear sky view is desired. |
HDOP HIGH | Horizontal dilution of position higher than or equal to 1.5 | 10 | Consider moving the position pod. A clear sky view is desired. |
HDG RTK | No RTK data available for the heading pod. | 5 | Confirm position pod is switched on. Consider moving the position pod closer to the heading pod. |
BASELINE LONG | Baseline longer than 410 meters. | 10 | Consider if this installation is done correctly. XR2 pods might have communication issues at these distances. |
BASELINE SHORT | Baseline (distance) between pos and hdg pod shorter than 2 meters | 10 | Consider lengthening the baseline. Short baseline gives heading noise. |
POSITION RMS | Position RMS higher than 3 meters | 10 | Consider relocating the system. A clear sky view is desired. |
SATELLITES LOW HDG | Heading pod tracks 5 satellites or less | 10 | Consider relocating the system. A clear sky view is desired. |
SATELLITES LOW POS | Position pod tracks 5 satellites or less | 10 | Consider relocating the system. A clear sky view is desired. |
PILOTPLUG DATA UNAVAILABLE | No incoming data detected from pilot plug | 10 | Confirm pilot plug connections if AIS transponder data is intended to be used. |
INTERNAL USE ADNAV | For development and production test only. | 10 | Should never be set. Contact dealer or manufacturer. |
EXTERNAL POWER | External power not available. | 10 | Might not be an error. Check external power source if charging is required. |
The ADX DUO, XR, and XR Lite have the following alarms: