Settings / Admiralty AVCS

Admiralty AVCS Charts

The settings here are for users with AVCS charts from Admiralty Maritime Data Solutions (formerly UKHO). This support will user your chart permits to download the AVCS chart files associated with your permits. This feature will download charts (both initial download and updates).

We do not sell AVCS charts, so you will need to contact an Admiralty agent to purchase the charts. They will need your Settings / S-63 Charts / User Permit to create an account. Once you have your chart permits, install the permits in the Files tab using any of the normal methods for importing files. The file can be installed directly or you can unzip and install the PERMIT.TXT file it contains.

At most 100MB of charts are downloaded at a time. If you have large numbers of charts, you may need to download in multiple steps. You can also download the charts directly from Admiralty using the link below.

If you do not want to use this automatic download feature, you can instead download the Zip archive files from Admiralty FTP server. If you choose this option, you will also need to manually install updates as needed.

The steps to purchase and use AVCS charts are:


Download & Update
