The settings listed here are not used by the typical user. They should not be used without first carefully reading the documentation below. Any items listed here may be changed or removed in future versions.
Transit Mode (Only SEAiq Pilot) : Enable Transit mode. Turning this on has the same effect as making the following changes. You can still adjust the settings. This is the opposite of Maneuver mode (aside from Straight Course Vector, Follow Offset, and True-Scale Prediction).
Close Maneuver Mode (Only SEAiq Pilot) : Enable Maneuver mode. Turning this on has the same effect as making the following changes. You can still adjust the settings. This is the opposite of Transit mode (aside from Straight Course Vector, Follow Offset, and True-Scale Prediction)
Monitor Safe Water (Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, the predicted swept-path of Own-Ship is monitored for any depth areas (or dredged areas) that are shoaler than then Safety Contour setting.
If Vessel Buffer is enabled, the buffer area is added to the size of the safe area.
Only ENCs with scale at least 1:30,000 are used for calculation of safe water. When Bathymetric ENCs are in use, they are used in preference to ENCs. Any areas that overlap only use data from the bENC.
At most 12 minutes of predicted course are monitored.
Raster charts and non-ENC overlays (such as Autocad DXF, Shapefile, XYZ, and GML data) are not considered when checking safe-water.
When areas are detected in predicted path, an alarm generated at most once every 2 minutes. Areas in predicted path identified as potentially unsafe water are outlined in red.
Safety scans are calculated periodically, every 5 seconds. You may notice there is a small lag before unsafe areas are updated.
When executing turning maneuvers, there may be small areas at edge of Own-Ship's swept path that are not included in the monitoring for safe water.
This feature is intended as an aid and is not a substitute for careful monitoring of Own-Ship's course.
Check Route for Obstructions (Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, charts are analyzed for dangers with the active route.
Only ENCs with scale at least 1:100,000 are used for calculation of safe water. When Bathymetric ENCs are in use, they are used in preference to ENCs. Any areas that overlap only use data from the bENC. For areas where bENCs are used, only features in the bENCs are included in the analysis (none from ENCs in the overlapping areas).
Raster charts and non-ENC overlays (such as Autocad DXF, Shapefiles, XYZ, and GML data) are not considered when checking safe-water.
When determining which items to highlight, the Safety Contour is used for Depth Areas and Depth Contours. The Safety Depth is used for Soundings. The current tidal offset is incorporated into the analysis.
Analyzing the charts can be processing-intensive and you may experience lagging behavior, especially on older devices.
The results are presented graphicly on the chart display, with potentially unsafe areas marked in red. The most detailed chart information for each area is used for the analysis: when not zoomed into the most detailed chart, the features of the lower scale charts may not match those of the more detailed charts and in many cases features such as soundings may not be available. Sometimes Scale-Minimum (SCAMIN) attributes on features may prevent display of features (such as soundings). In those cases, you can zoom in further until they are displayed or you can turn off SCAMIN in Settings / Vector / Charts / Advanced.
Results can also be viewed in tabular format by selecting the sub-menu. The feature that were detected as a possible problem are listed in approximate order based on position along the route. The list of problems is cut off at 100 maximum items. You can select a menu item to jump to the location of the feature in question.
This feature is intended as an aid and is not a substitute for careful analysis of a route for safety.
Use Internal Heading Sensor : When enabled, the heading heading sensor/compass is used to display the vessel's orientation. We normally recommend against enabling when the device is not in a fixed mount. This setting has no effect when course information comes from an external NMEA/AIS feed.
Troubleshooting: on IOS, if you do not get HDG sensor, please check that IOS Settings / Privacy / Location Services / System Services / Compass Calibration is turned on.
Use Goto Waypoint for XTD (Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, the XTD displayed is for the route segment ending with the current goto waypoint. If the current goto waypoint is the next waypoint in the route, XTD is not affected. When disabled, the XTD is for the current position of Own-Ship on the active route.
When showing XTD for other than the segment Own-Ship is closest to, the route segment is considered to be straight and any turning radius is ignored. The Default XTD Alarm Range is used for scaling the XTD bar, even if the route or route segment has a separate maximum XTD assigned to it. The XTD panel is highlighted in magenta to visually indicate the different calculation is being used. The XTD is calculated as though the route segment were extended backwards 20NM, so Own-Ship must be within this distance of the route segment.
Enabling this causes 3 buttons to be displayed in the Waypoint status bar panel: Back, Own-Ship, and Advance. These cause the current goto waypoint to be adjusted forward, back, or reset to the current position of Own-Ship.
Use Rhumb Lines for Routes (Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, all routes will follow rhumb Line paths (loxodrome). Distances along routes will always use Rhumb Lines. The default is to always use Great Circle paths (orthodrome).
Note that even when enabled, all other measurements use Great Circle bearings and distances. For instance, XTD is calculated using Great Circle.
Note that following Great Circles uses shortest distances between points. Rhumb lines result in longer distances, sometimes substantially longer distances. Unless you have a specific reason to use rhumb lines, we recommend use of the default great circles.
Rhumb Lines are normally only used when loading routes originally designed for use with rhumb lines, when used alongside systems that require use of rhumb lines, or when used alongside paper charts with Mercator projection.
Show Relative Courses (Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, predicted courses for AIS targets are shown relative to the course for Own-Ship. Additionally, the Own-Ship predicted course vector is not shown.
It is important to understand that when this option is enabled the course vectors for AIS targets no longer represents the courses for the targets, only the positions relative to Own-Ship. Because of this, a warning, "Relative Courses", is displayed in the bottom-right corner of the display.
Auto-configure PPU (Experimental) (Only SEAiq Pilot) : Auto-config for selected PPU models. When enabled and certain models of PPU are detected, various settings may be adjusted to match best practices. This only has effect after a connection is first made to the PPU. Therefore, it is necessary to first configure NMEA settings.
Current devices that are supported include:
Disable FTP Proxy : When enabled, FTP requests are longer be proxied. Apple IOS has a bug in FTP software that can cause crashes. Other platforms often have problems with FTP client software.
Enabling this option may cause occasional crashes and/or FTP-based data transfers to fail.
Elbe & Hamburg Speed Limit (Only SEAiq Pilot) : Enable to track speed limit on the Elbe River and Hamburg Harbor. The Elbe River speed limit is based on estimated high water and current according to time to next/previous high-water event. The Hamburg Harbor speed limit uses queries to a web service.
The speed limit alarm is only shown when Own-Ship SOG exceeds the speed limit by Speed Limit Delta (see Settings / Routes and Waypoints / Speed Limit Delta).
Simulated Canada SPINE Levels (Only SEAiq Pilot) : Enables use of simulated data source for CHS SPINE forecasts. This setting has no effect unless Canada SPINE Levels (CHS) is also turned on.
Additionally, all sensors are allowed to be used when out-of-date for dynamic tidal adjustment and similar features. This is not limited only to SPINE sensors.
This prevents correct operation of normal SPINE. It should only be used if participating in a simulation involving SPINE.
Show Wind Force (Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, a windage for Own-Ship is available (Settings / Own-Ship / Lateral Windage), and a source of wind data is available within 5nm, show estimated wind force in status bar. Please review the following notes.
Chart Update : SEAiq determine when your set of charts has changed and automatically recalculate them. Pressing this button forces an update.
You should never need to use this button. We recommend using this only if you believe your charts are not being updated properly. Please contact us to let us know about the situation.
Erase Cache : When enabled, all data caches associated with this app are erased. When done, the switch is automatically turns off. This switch does not erase any charts, waypoints, routes, or other user data.
SEAiq stores various kinds of temporary data in order to save results of work it does. For instance, prior to viewing a vector chart, there is extensive processing that needs to be done to prepare it for display. The results are saved for later use in what is called a cache. Normally, the amount of space used is fairly small (less than 100MB). Also, the data is identified so that the system does not backup this data and may automatically erase it if needed (on systems which support this). In some cases, you may want to explicitly remove all extra cache data, which is the purpose of this switch.
Erasing the cache does not speed up SEAiq. In fact, it slows it down somewhat since the results of the processing must be calculated again.
We recommend using this only if you want to erase temporary data associated with the app in order to free up storage space.
Use Old Geodesic Intersect : SEAiq now uses a new set of geographic calculations. This may improve accuracy in certain situations. There can be significant computational overhead for these new calculations.
This is most noticeable on devices without hardware acceleration for mathematical calculations, such as 32-bit Apple iPad/iPhones.
Only change this if needed. Please contact us if you find this setting necessary to change.