Import & Export (Routes, Waypoints, and Tracks)

Import & Export

SEAiq supports a number of methods for importing/exporting waypoints, routes, and tracks. Some of the uses for this feature include:

You may find it useful to install other data sharing apps such as DropBox and FileApp (both are free for basic use). For instance, with DropBox you can save your data to their online storage and share it with others. FileApp provides other methods to transfer data to/from your laptop. These apps (as well as others) support the Copy To method to transfer data back and forth with SEAiq.

To get started, you need to determine the following things about what you want to do:

Note that in many cases you will be both exporting and importing. For instance, if you want to transfer a route from SEAiq on one iPad to SEAiq on another iPad, there are several options available that involve exporting from your first iPad and then importing into your second iPad. See the section below Example: Transferring Between SEAiq on Different iPads for more information on this example.

The following objects can be transferred.

The following formats are supported:

Below is a summary of supported formats:

Name Suffix Import Export Information
GPX .gpx Y Y Waypoints, Routes, and Tracks
KML .kml N Y Waypoints, Routes, and Tracks
Transas .rt3 Y Y Single Route with Waypoints
Mona Lisa 2.0 .rtz Y Y Single Route with Waypoints
SevenCs Lisy .rte Y N Single Route with Waypoints
NACOS Platinum .nacos Y Y Single Route with Waypoints
Maris .rtu Y N Single Route with Waypoints
SAM Electronics .sam or .dat Y N Single Route with Waypoints
JRC .rta or .rtn Y N Single Route with Waypoints
Trelleborg Safe Pilot .spx Y N Single Route with Waypoints
Comma Separated Value .csv N Y Single Route with Waypoints

The following data transfer methods are supported:


The following objects can be exported:

To export tracks, go to the Settings tab and find the Export Tracks item. Pressing the Export button will present you with a choice of how to export the tracks.

To export all waypoints and routes, go to the Route tab and press the "forwarding arrow" button on the top bar.

To export a route or waypoint, go to the Route tab, select object and press the "forwarding arrow" button on the top bar.

When exporting objects you will be presented with a dialog listing choices of methods you can use:

Note that for the Email and Save to iTunes, SEAiq always exports the data in both GPX and KML formats.

Export with Email

Email export allows you to send the data to anyone (including yourself) as email attachments. You will be presented with a standard email display. All you have to do is fill in the email addresses you want to send the data to and press Send.

Note that you will normally need internet access to send or receive email.

Save File

The Save to iTunes method allows you to transfer the objects directly to your laptop using iTunes File Sharing.

These are the steps:

Export with Copy To

This method allows you to transfer an object in the chosen directly to any other app (on the same iPad/iPhone) that understands that format. After selecting this choice, you will be presented with a list of apps that support the format. Select one of them and that app will load the data you are exporting.


SEAiq supports importing Routes, Waypoints, and Tracks in the GPX (.gpx) format. Routes can also be imported in the the Transas (.rt3), Maris (.rtu), Mona Lisa 2.0 (.rtz), SevenCs Lisy (.rte), NACOS Platinum (.nacos), and Sam Electronics ECDIS (.sam or .dat) formats. Data in KML (.kml) format cannot be imported.

There are two methods for importing data: Copy To and iTunes File Sharing. Importing from an email uses the Copy To method.

Copy To

This method is used when any other app has route data that you want to share with SEAiq, including general purpose data sharing apps such as DropBox and FileApp. When you export route data from another app, you should see SEAiq listed. If you select SEAiq, then it will start SEAiq and immediately import the routes and waypoints.

Note that this method is used when route data has been emailed to you. Open the email. Long-press the route attachment. , then select SEAiq as the app to open the data with. Note that when using Copy To from Mail, you should do a long tap on the attachment to open it (if Mail appears to become confused and gives you a white or black screen see Troubleshooting section below).

The last step is to actually import the objects into SEAiq.

IOS File Transfer

The other way to import data is through iTunes File Sharing. This method is useful when you have the GPX data on your laptop. The advantage of this method is that it does not require an internet connection to transfer the data from you laptop to your iPad/iPhone.

Note that using the free FileApp app is another way to transfer data to/from your laptop without having a full internet connection.

Importing Duplicate Waypoints and Routes

When importing waypoints and routes, if an exact duplicate already exists then SEAiq will use the version it already has and not create another copy. Thus, if you export all your waypoints and route and then re-import them immediately, no new waypoints or routes will be imported -- since they are all duplicates.

If an object with the same name already exists but is not an exact duplicate, SEAiq will choose a new name for the object being imported.

Example: Transferring Between SEAiq on Different iPads

A common use of this feature is to transfer waypoints/routes from one SEAiq app to another SEAiq app on a different iPad. We recommend two ways to do this.

The simplest is to export via email and send them to yourself. On the other iPad select the attachment to import it (remember to use a long-tap -- press and hold -- to open the attachment). Email will normally only work if you have a connection to the internet, which may not be the case if you are underway.

The other approach, which does not require an internet connection, is a two step process. The first step is to export to your laptop using the Save to iTunes (aka iTunes File Sharing) method. The second step is to import to your other iPad using iTunes File Sharing.
