Settings / NMEA & AIS / Bluetooth

NMEA & AIS Bluetooth

SEAiq supports connecting to AIS and NMEA devices using Bluetooth. Bluetooth is supported on Windows and MacOS (Macbooks and iMacs). Bluetooth can be used on Android with "helper apps" to bridge to Bluetooth. See comments below regarding various platforms.

Platform Notes:


These settings are used to connect your device to NMEA/AIS over Bluetooth. Before adjusting them, first ensure this device and your source of NMEA/AIS data have been paired.


Below are configuration setting for devices from a number of vendors.

GlobalSat BU-353-S4

The GlobalSat BU-353-S4 is a USB Bluetooth puck. Since it requires a USB port, it can be used only on Windows and MacOS. Note that Bluetooth support on Windows and MacOS also provides support for USB devices.

In Settings / NMEA & AIS (under Connection):

In Settings / NMEA & AIS / Bluetooth Setup: