Settings / NMEA & AIS / Bluetooth
NMEA & AIS Bluetooth
SEAiq supports connecting to AIS and NMEA devices using Bluetooth.
Bluetooth is supported on Windows and MacOS (Macbooks and iMacs).
Bluetooth can be used on Android with "helper apps" to bridge to
Bluetooth. See comments below regarding various platforms.
Platform Notes:
Apple iPad/iPhone: Bluetooth NMEA is not supported on
Apple iPads/iPhones because of restrictions Apple places on
Bluetooth devices. Note that basic Bluetooth GPS devices such as
those from BadElf do work with iPads/iPhones. However, they do not
require any configuration within SEAiq. Your iPhone/iPad will
use the GPS and other data from the Bluetooth device without
SEAiq needing any special configuration.
Windows 10: SEAiq uses so-called Bluetooth SPP mode to
connect to Bluetooth devices. There are reports that early
versions of Microsoft Windows 10 disabled Bluetooth SPP mode.
Whether or not your computer was affected, Microsoft has since
reactivated SPP. In order to get Windows 10 to work you must
install a build version newer than 10.0.10532 which was
released on August 22, 2015. To check the build number on a
machine open a command prompt and type winver. This is
not part of the weekly patch sequence Microsoft pushes regularly.
To install a new version you have to sign up for fast ring service
at Microsoft:
After you download the ISO, you will have to copy it to a USB
drive. Then install from the drive. This may clear the Windows
partition; be sure data is backed up. It is believed the next
version of Windows 10 will fix this, but currently there is no ETA
for release (as of 10/29/15).
These settings are used to connect your device to NMEA/AIS over
Bluetooth. Before adjusting them, first ensure this device and your
source of NMEA/AIS data have been paired.
Bluetooth Device
: Specify name of device to use. You can enter here or choose from the list of available devices.
On Windows, this is normally a COM port, such as COM8. You can find this by pairing with your Bluetooth device. Press the Bluetooth symbol on your toolbar. Choose Open Settings and COM Ports. Look for the Bluetooth device you are using and the COM port for Outgoing data. For COM ports higher than 9, COMXX is automatically translated into the \\.\COMXX format.
Bluetooth Devices
: List of Bluetooth devices (and serial ports).
: Current status of your connection.
Baud Rate
: Baud rate for a serial port, typically USB. Bluetooth devices normally do not require adjusting this. The default is 19200. Typical baud values are 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, and 38400. Other possible values include 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 56000, 57600, 115200, 128000, and 256000.
Below are configuration setting for devices from a number of vendors.
GlobalSat BU-353-S4
The GlobalSat
BU-353-S4 is a USB Bluetooth puck. Since it requires a USB port,
it can be used only on Windows and MacOS. Note that Bluetooth
support on Windows and MacOS also provides support for USB devices.
In Settings / NMEA & AIS (under Connection):
In Settings / NMEA & AIS / Bluetooth Setup:
- Bluetooth Device: Select Using Devices Menu
- Baud Rate: 4800