Settings / Vector Charts
Vector Charts
These settings customize the display of vector charts.
Settings related to depth can customize the chart display to your vessel.
These control how water areas, contours, and depth soundings are
depicted. It can even cause wrecks and other obstructions to be
displayed differently, depending on these settings and the depth of
the object. The idea is that by setting these appropriately for your
vessel, it will be easier for you to identify possible dangers to
your vessel.
Display Categories
: Allows selection of which categories of features to display. The options are as defined in the IHO S-52 standard.
- All: Shows all features that are normally displayed.
- Standard: Shows standard features.
- Display Base: Shows only essential features.
Use Simplified Points
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, charts are displayed with simplified symbols for buoys and other aids-to-navigation.
Use Plain Areas
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, charts are displayed with simple boundaries that may decrease clutter in some situations.
Identify Features with Extra Info
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, features that have extra information associated with them are highlighted with a special symbol. You can access this information by double tapping the feature and selecting Details for this Location.
Use National Text
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Use national text when available in the chart.
Show Chart 1 ENC
: Chart 1 is a standard "chart" that lists the symbols from the IHO S-52 standard. It is not used directly for navigation. Enabling this option causes ENC Chart 1 to be displayed.
It is placed in Central Africa at 15°N / 5°W. You can enter the Chart 1 sub-menu to find a menu item that jumps to display Chart 1. You can also find a link to Chart 1 documentation.
You may notice some differences between the published images and the chart portrayal here. Please check settings which affect the chart portrayal, including the following:
- Settings / Vector Charts / Safety Depth: Use default of 30m.
- Settings / Vector Charts / Safety Contour Use default of 30m.
- Settings / Vector Charts / Deep Depth Use default of 30m.
- Settings / Vector Charts / Shallow Depth Use default of 2m.
- Settings / Vector Charts / Use Simplified Points: In some places this must be turned On to match the published image. In others, it must be disabled.
- Settings / Vector Charts / Advanced / Show Zone of Confidence: Turn On.
- Settings / Vector Charts / Advanced / Show Soundings: Turn On.
- Settings / Vector Charts / Advanced / Show Isolated Dangers: Turn On.
Number of Depth Shades
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, only two shades of blue are used to color depth areas.
Safety Depth
: The safety depth primarily controls the coloring of depth soundings. Depths at least as shallow as the safety depth are black; deeper soundings are grey. If Red Safety Contour and Depths is on, then red is used instead of black.
Shallow Contour
: Areas at least this shallow are colored dark blue.
Safety Contour
: Areas at least this shallow are colored medium blue. Additionally, Safety Contour value causes the contour next shallower to that depth to be highlighted.
Deep Contour
: Areas at least this shallow are colored light blue.
Shallow Pattern
: When enabled, any areas shallower than the Safety Contour have a hash pattern drawn on them to highlight the possible danger. This is particularly useful for the night color modes (see below).
Red Safety Contour & Depths
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, the following changes are made to display of chart contours and soundings:
- The Safety Contour is shown in red and 50% thicker than specified by IHO-52.
- If Shallow Pattern is also enabled, then it the hash pattern is in red. Be sure to note that the Shallow Pattern is shown for depths shoaler than the Shallow Contour, which may not be the same as the Safety Contour.
- Soundings at most the Safety Depth are in red instead of black. Note that in many cases the Safety Depth is different from the Safety Contour.
Soundings Range
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, only soundings inside this range are displayed.
The range of soundings that are displayed accounts for tidal adjustment. Consider if sounding range is 10m to 20m and the chart has a 9m sounding. If the tidal adjustment is 0m then the 9m sounding is outside the range and is not shown. With a tidal adjustment of 2m, the sounding is displayed as 11m.
Full Light Sectors
: When enabled, light features are shown on charts with lines extending to their nominal range.
Show Light Descriptions
: When enabled, light features are shown with textual characteristics.
Show Descriptions for Sector Lights
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled along with "Show Light Descriptions", descriptions for sector lights are shown. In cases with multiple sector lights, only the attributes shared by all sector lights are shown. Attributes that differ between lights are not included in the description.
This is a non-standard feature and should be used with care.
Always Show Name for Lights
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : When enabled, extra effort is used to show a name for lights. This may be useful when lights are on features (such as Piles) whose names are not normally displayed.
This is a non-standard feature and should be used with care.
Date Dependent
Ignore Dates
: When enabled, all features are shown regardless of current date.
Highlight Date-Dependent
: When enabled, features that are only shown during certain dates are highlighted. Only currently visible features are shown; to see features for other dates, turn on Ignore Dates.
Date Override
: When enabled, features that are only shown during certain dates use the given date to determine whether to be displayed. Ignore Date takes precedence over this.
Advanced Settings
: Advanced settings for charts.