VentureFarther is an online web toolkit for mariners. Please note that ongoing use of VentureFarther KAP download requires contributing to their site or paying a fee. We encourage you to donate to the site to help support maintaining and improving this service.
Here are the steps to setup your account with VentureFarther.
To download charts, go to the Navigate tab. Double-tap and select Download Satellite Chart. When completed, the chart will appear on the display. The Download Satellite Chart option will only appear if a value is present in the External Access Key field.
After chart(s) are downloaded, they will be displayed if VentureFarther chart display is enabled. You do not need to turn on raster charts in order to display these charts.
External Access Key : This key is used to login to your VenturaFarther account.
Go to VentureFarther account, go to Profile / External Access Key. Copy the key (long press, select the entire key, then Copy) from VentureFarther. Then paste it here (long press and select Paste).