The settings here are for users with charts from one of the vendors with support for automatic download and update.
OneOcean (Only SEAiq Pilot) : Download and update S-63 charts from OneOcean. Enabling this causes updates to be checked for your charts from OneOcean. When charts are available, you receive an alert. However, charts are not updated unless you request updates by pressing the Update button.
This feature occasionally attempts to contact the OneOcean update server to check on the availability of new or updated charts. This may involve using some of your cellular data bandwidth.
Generic FTP (1) (Only SEAiq Pilot) : Download and update charts from an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server. This can be used if you have an account on a FTP server and you wish to automatically synchronize data with it.
All the files to download should be contained in the main folder; sub-folders are not downloaded.
Generic FTP (2) (Only SEAiq Pilot) : Download and update charts from an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server. This can be used if you have an account on a FTP server and you wish to automatically synchronize data with it.
All the files to download should be contained in the main folder; sub-folders are not downloaded.