Settings / Sea Traffic Management (Only SEAiq Pilot)
Sea Traffic Management (STM)
This is used to provide support for Sea Traffic Management (STM). It
allows communication and exchange of mariner information including
routes. This feature is currently experimental and should only
be used for evaluation purposes.
The typical STM user will turn on Cross-Route Meeting Points
in Settings / Meeting Points, so that meeting points will be
estimated for STM-enabled vessels that are on different routes from
This function is temporarily disabled when playing back NMEA
recordings (Settings / Record & Playback), Virtual Boarding
(Settings / Virtual Board), or using the simulator (Settings /
Simulator). This is because these other functions involve situations
where Own-Ship does not correspond to a real vessel.
For ships that are distributing an STM voyage plan, information is
displayed on the ships label. The first item that applies from the
list below is selected.
- No Schedule: If voyage plan does not include a complete
- Not Started or Expired: If the current times is before the
beginning or after the end of the schedule.
- Not on Route: if ship is not close to route. The Meeting
Point / Distance Threshold is used for this.
- time Early or Late: If time deviation with scheduled
location is exceeded.
- distance Behind or Ahead: If position deviation is
- speed Too Fast or Slow: If speed deviation is
- Planned SOG: speed: Planned speed at current location,
according to schedule.
Status Bar
When STM is enabled and active, a panel will be shown in the side
status bar. It begins with a brief status section:
- CONN (Yes/No): Is system connected to the STM system (ie, VIS
private instance)? This is checked every 30s by issuing
getMessage requests (or similar). When this
is No, the normal reason is that the device does not
have an internet connection, but there could be other causes such
as server failure.
- SCH (Yes/No): Has a schedule been uploaded to STM? For this to
be Yes, an RTZ voyage plan with an active (Used for
Monitoring) status, and a schedule must have been
successfully uploaded to STM.
- SOG (Actual/Plan): Indicates if the system currently has a
planned speed enabled or if the actual speed is in use.
This is followed by a log of recent events, up to 10 lines. Each
line includes a brief description and may end with an indication of
the number of minutes since the event occurred and a number of
duplicates. For instance "(x3, 4M)" means that the event occurred 3
times and the most recent occurrence was about 4 minutes ago.
Web Site
: A link to documentation on use of STM. Other information on STM can be found at web site for further information.
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Setup STM account credentials.
Voyage Plans
Share Voyage Plan
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Controls whether voyage plan (RTZ route and schedule) for Own-Ship is shared. When disabled, an attempt will be made to mark current voyage plan inactive.
Show All Voyage Plans
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Controls whether routes are displayed. When enabled, all routes are shown. When disabled, only route for a selected target is shown. It is also possible to select an STM target and show/hide its voyage plan.
Own-Ship Plan
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Show the current voyage plan for Own-Ship.
Other Plans
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : List voyage plans that have been received.
Text Messages
TXT Messages
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : This shows all received text messages.
Show Areas from TXT Messages
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Control whether areas (polygons and circles) from TXT messages are displayed. You can select the Position in a TXT message to jump to the location of the area objects.
Erase All TXT Messages
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Erase All TXT messages that have been received. This cannot be undone.
Status & Diagnostics
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : This shows diagnostics describing the current status of your STM configuration.
Update Now
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Press this to trigger an immediate update by contacting the server. Updates are normally automatically made every 1-2min.
Erase Data
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Press this to erase all STM data. Note that old data will not be re-downloaded. Only new or changed plans will be downloaded. This should normally not be used.
Server Status
: Use this link to view status of Navelink. If you encounter a problem, you can also report it using this link
Max Time Deviation
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Sets the maximum deviation from scheduled time. Vessels exceeding this are flagged. When Own-Ship exceeds this deviation a new voyage plan will be proposed. The default is 15min.
Max Speed Deviation
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Sets the maximum deviation from scheduled speed. The default is 1kn. Vessels exceeding this are flagged. When Own-Ship exceeds this deviation a new voyage plan will be generated and distributed.
In order to determine if threshold is exceeded, the planned speed for the current position on the route is compared with the current vessel speed.
Max Position Deviation
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Sets the maximum deviation from scheduled position. The default is 1NM. Vessels exceeding this are flagged.
In order to determine if threshold is exceeded, the planned position along the route for the current time is compared with the current position along the route.
Note that this distance corresponds to the relative position along the route. The maximum distance from the route is limited by Settings / Meeting Points / Threshold.
Create Debug AIS Targets
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Control whether debug targets are shown for STM routes. This is used to facilitate testing.
Allow Virtual Boarding (Debug)
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Control whether virtual boarding is supported for STM. If virtual boarded and this is not enabled, then STM will be disabled. This option has no effect in production system.
Simulator MMSI
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : An MMSI to use for simulator. This is only for use in debugging and not production systems.
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Configure for test setup for SMAPPUDEV001.
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Configure for test setup for SMAPPUDEV002.
(Only SEAiq Pilot) : Configure for test setup for SMAPPUDEV003.