Settings / Trelleborg PPUs <strong>(Only SEA<em>iq</em> Pilot)</strong>

Trelleborg PPU Settings

These settings configure SEAiq Pilot for use with Trelleborg Portable Piloting Units. See below for more information on using SEAiq with Trelleborg products.




Diagnostics (Primary, Extra, Extra2)

NMEA Configuration

Trelleborg CAT ROT v2 and CAT 1

SEAiq supports CAT ROT v2 both with and without the CAT 1 device. For users with the original CAT ROT device, see the section below. For users with CAT ROTv2 with firmware prior to 1.2.0 or that is used without a CAT 1, all that is required is the following:

If your device has a firewall, you will need to disable it or open this port in the firewall.

For users with both a CAT ROTv2 and CAT 1 device and with firmware 1.2.0 or later, an additional configuration step is required. This is because data from CAT 1 no longer arrives from the same feed as CAT ROT. The CAT 1 now uses a separate port. Use the following settings in Extra NMEA in addition to the settings above. You can determine the firmware version by viewing the SEAiq vertical status bar while connected to the device.

If your device has a firewall, you will need to disable it or open this port in the firewall.

In addition to standard position and AIS data, SEAiq will also display in the status bar battery status, charging status, and firmware version for both devices. Battery status is shown using standard bars. Critical indicates the device will turn off automatically and this value may possibly never be seen. Charging status is indicated as (+) if the battery is currently accepting a charge.

You can enable Settings / Status Bar / Show GPS Diagnostics and/or Settings / Status Bar / Show GPS Satellites to see detailed information about GPS.

Trelleborg E-Sea FIX CAT ROT (Version 1)

SEAiq supports all 4 configurations of this product. UDP is recommended because it is easier to configure (no IP address is required) and will recover more rapidly if the WiFi signal is temporarily lost.

Note that some CAT ROT devices do not support DHCP IP address assignment and so may require you to configure your iPad WiFi's IP address manually. Contact the manufacturer for more information.

UDP mode supports 2 ports. 17608 uses standard AIS messaging. 17609 provides separate high-resolution heading and ROT data:

TCP mode also supports 2 ports. 5000 uses standard AIS messaging. 5001 provides separate high-resolution heading and ROT data. The IP address of the CAT ROT must be provided. Normally, it will be

Trelleborg CAT II and CAT III

There are two different configurations for these, which can be used if you want to connect 2 different client devices. Because of the networking configuration used, at most 2 clients can connect at the same time.

These devices do not support DHCP IP address assignment. This means they require you to configure your iPad WiFi's IP address manually. Please carefully follow the instructions below.

Configuration 1

The configuration below is the same as Trelleborg CAT ROT (v2,v3,v4) preset, so you can select that preset for this configuration.

Manually set your device WiFi to these settings: On iPad/iPhone, follow these steps:

Configuration 2

Manually set your device WiFi to these settings (refer to instructions in Configure 1, but use the IP address below):